Rafting on the Lower Salmon River

Lower Salmon Canyons Adventure
Itinerary and Packing List

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Trip Logistics Overview

For this trip we will meet you at the Red Lion Hotel in Lewiston Idaho. We will meet you the night before your trip and to hand out the dry bags for the trip and have a quick orientation and answer any questions you might have about your upcoming adventure.*

Detailed Itinerary for 4-day Adventure

Day before start date: Fly into Lewiston, Idaho. From the airport take the hotel shuttle to the Red Lion Hotel. You should plan to arrive and check in prior to 7 PM the night before the trip starts. At 7 PM we will have an orientation meeting in the lounge area of the lobby. At the orientation the Head Guide will talk about what to expect, give some river history, answer any last minute questions, and hand out your equipment, including your clothing bag. As the meeting concludes the Head Guide will inform you when to meet the following morning.

Day 1: Meet your Head Guide in the lobby at the assigned time. It's important to eat breakfast prior to meeting as it will seem like a long time until lunch. It is a two-hour bus ride to the put-in for the trip. When the group arrives at the put-in, the remaining guides and all of the river equipment will be waiting to meet you. Hop out, load on the sunscreen and get ready for some Lower Salmon fun! The Head Guide will give you a thorough safety and paddling orientation before you climb in your river craft and take the first strokes down stream.

We begin the Lower Salmon with great rapids like Roller Coaster and Big Foot Island before your first riverside lunch prepared by the guides. After lunch, we enter Green Canyon and the biggest whitewater so far. Rapids like Demons Drop and Right Way are a great introduction to what the next three days have in store. Camp will be on one of the many big Lower Salmon beaches where you can swim, throw the Frisbee, or just relax with a drink while your guides prepare a delicious three-course meal. After your fresh baked dessert, play a game of cards with the kids, or relax with a glass of wine, before lying back under a sea of stars to catch some shut eye.

Day 2: Start the day off right with a hot breakfast and fresh baked cinnamon rolls. Then take your time, pack your gear, load up on sunscreen, and get ready for another great day on the Lower Salmon river. A nice morning with some fun rapids leads to Cougar Canyon, where more whitewater awaits. After navigating Upper and Lower White House, the group will pull to shore and spend the rest of the day re-running, swimming through, and trying to surf the waves of Lower White House rapid. This is a great time to shoot video of the kids trying to surf or swim through their first rapid. If you have youngsters who have been riding the raft, this is a perfect opportunity to let them go in the front of your inflatable kayak or a guide's and hit some waves from a Torpedo.

When you're done surfing you can float around the corner to camp. Camp will provide another great time to relax with your family or friends, relive the highlights of the day and take in the stunning scenery.

Day 3: Wake up and get ready for whitewater! Today boasts the most exciting whitewater of the Lower Salmon including two Class IV rapids. The morning starts right off with Bodacious Bounce, Half and Half, Gobbler, and climaxes with the thrilling Snowhole! After the whitewater morning, the afternoon will seem like a breeze with fewer rapids and lots of time to swim and enjoy the hot weather. Camp tonight will be another large beach where games of capture the flag and ultimate frisbee have been known to happen. Look forward to more delicious food, good wine, and plenty of time to relive the highlights of the day with your new friends, old friends, family, and the guides.

Day 4: The final morning of paddling. A quick breakfast and you'll be on the water headed towards civilization. As we continue down river the walls start to rise as we enter Blue Canyon, the steepest and deepest gorge of the trip. The Slide and Sluice Box will give you a great ride before you get to Eye of the Needle and the end of the Lower Salmon River. We meet the Snake River at the bottom of Hells Canyon, the deepest gorge in the country.

At the confluence of the Snake and Salmon River say goodbye to your torpedo it's time to load up on the jet boat. This two-hour ride, gliding down the river skimming past rocks and flying over waves, is the perfect end to an exciting vacation. The jet boat will drop the group in downtown Clarkston where a shuttle awaits to drive you the five minutes back to the Red Lion.*

Packing List

Everything going downriver will go into the supplied dry bag. The dry bag (18"x36"), is about the size of a medium duffle. This is where all of your personal items for the trip will go, including your sleeping bag so pack conservatively. When sealed correctly, they will not leak. However, if sealed incorrectly, they may let water in. We strongly suggest that all items of significant value, such as expensive jewelry, be left at home. We will also supply a day bag to store items like cameras for easy access during the day.

What to Pack

On the River
  • 2 or 3 swimsuits or shorts and top (cotton not recommended)
  • Sports sandals or hard-soled wetsuit booties
  • Synthetic paddling gloves (if paddling an inflatable kayak)
  • Wide brimmed hat or ball cap (ball cap fits well under helmet
  • Polypro, synthetic or hydro-skin shirt (nice for mornings and chilly days)
  • Water Bottle (1 liter) with carabiner
  • Waterproof sunscreen
  • Sunglasses with strap (consider bringing two pairs)
  • SRA will supply splash-tops for chilly mornings
In Camp
  • 2 pair pants & shorts
  • 3 shirts
  • Fleece jacket or sweatshirt
  • Light rain jacket
  • Sleeping bag (synthetic material recommended - rated to 45F)
  • Headlamp or flashlight
  • Beanie
  • Camera with extra film or memory cards and batteries
  • Personal hygiene items*

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